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تحويل التاريخ | محول التاريخ ا


History Conversion Hijri and Gregorian date converter Convert from AD to Hijri and vice versa

Naam تحويل التاريخ | محول التاريخ ا
Versie 1.27
Update 31 dec. 2024
Grootte 16 MB
Categorie Tools
Installaties 100K+
Ontwikkelaar Beseyat
Android OS Android 5.0+
Google Play ID com.beseyat.dateconverter_fl
تحويل التاريخ | محول التاريخ ا · Schermafbeeldingen

تحويل التاريخ | محول التاريخ ا · Beschrijving

History shift | Hijri and Gregorian Date Converter | Convert from Gregorian to Hijri and vice versa

Age account in Hijri

Calculate age in Gregorian

Today's date in Hijri, Gregorian and Syriac

How do I calculate my age. How to calculate my age in Hijri. How do I calculate my age by Gregorian. Age calculation method. Date conversion method.

Have you ever needed to convert the date from the Hijri to the Gregorian or from the Gregorian to the Hijri with precision? This application provides you with this important feature.

In addition to the service of converting Hijri and Gregorian dates, the application also allows the ability to calculate the exact age in Hijri and Gregorian, so that you are provided with your age in years, months, days, and even minutes.

Hijri calendar page

Today's history page

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The application of today's Hijri and Gregorian date


https://beseyat.com/salaries/%D9%85%D9%88%D8%A7%D8%B9%D9%8A%D8%AF_%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%AA%D8%A3 % D9% 87% D9% 8A% D9% 84_% D8% A7% D9% 84% D8% B4% D8% A7% D9% 85% D9% 84.php

تحويل التاريخ | محول التاريخ ا 1.27 · Gratis Downloaden

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