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Rashtra Deepika Annual


피카 연간는 Rashtra 피카 간행물 매년 발행

이름 Rashtra Deepika Annual
버전 8.0.5
업데이트 2022년 08월 20일
크기 15 MB
카테고리 라이프스타일
설치 수 100+
개발자 Magzter Inc.
Android OS Android 4.1+
Google Play ID com.magzter.rashtradeepikaannual
Rashtra Deepika Annual · 스크린샷

Rashtra Deepika Annual · 설명

Deepika Annual is published every year by Rashtra Deepika Publications, the same publishing company of renowned newspaper The Deepika. The yearly book always contains a lot of interesting, educative, informative and entertaining features, stories and articles that anyone love to keep as a treasure for long. Besides throwing light into the present social and cultural happenings in and around Kerala, the book also aims to provide a lot of entertainment to the readers. The awards received by the magazine stand as a symbol of its better quality and wide-range of contents.

Rashtra Deepika Annual 8.0.5 · 무료 다운로드

4.1/5 (3+ 리뷰)

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