Hijri and Gregorian Calendar icon

Hijri and Gregorian Calendar


Presentation of Hijri and Gregorian dates Support Widgets

名前 Hijri and Gregorian Calendar
バージョン 1.hijriCalendar.66
アップデート 2024年08月04日
サイズ 22 MB
カテゴリー ライフスタイル
インストール 1万+
開発元 Islamic SympaApps inc.
Android OS Android 5.0+
Google Play ID com.chamsDohaLtd.hijriCalendar
Hijri and Gregorian Calendar · スクリーンショット

Hijri and Gregorian Calendar · 説明

Hijri Calendar - Islamic Calendar
Application of Hijri calendar.
- Presentation of Hijri and Gregorian dates.
- Support Widgets.
- Mobility between months through clouds.
For suggestions and reporting errors:
Widget Hijri Calendar application.
- View Hijri and Gregorian.
- Widget.
- Move between months by slide.
Hijri Calendar enables you to know the daily Hijri Date and the moon phases
Program to know the history of the day, as well as the moon houses pictures
With the possibility of converting any date of birth to a Hijri date, so you can know the date of your birth Alhajri and the day you were born
We look forward to the holiday with all the passion and love, because of the atmosphere that gives joy and pleasure in the heart of every person This application is free to share with you the joy of the Eid and wish you Eid Mubarak Happy and every year and the Islamic nation with a thousand good

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